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When our brain is in worry mode, we can imagine all kinds of scary scenarios. We can become immersed in fear over the smallest situations. We can keep things simple by staying where we are right now. Worries about the past and the future do not help us in the present. Ask yourself,” do I need this worry right now?
Their Keep It Simple, Stupid (KISS) acronym was a way of saying most things work better if made simple instead of complicated. Red-hot romances, poolside fiction, and blockbuster picks, oh my! Start reading the hottest books of the summer. I talked to a couple of my friends about my troubles.
Thankfully I’ve learned to recognize that as a pattern, and have started working on changing that behavior. In recovery you are not responsible for any of the moments but THIS one. It’s the simplicity of the now, and it makes all the difference.
This third principle also includes not surrounding myself with tons of people all the time either. The saying is true that we are who we hang around and anytime I’ve hung around those who are still in their addictions and living in total ego has only driven me into a very complicated life with undue stress. And when I spend time constantly around groups of people, I start finding myself gossiping, exaggerating, and living a lot more in self-will and none of those things lead to keeping it simple.
Leonardo da Vinci is often credited with saying that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication.
I looked at other ways I could fulfill my blogging dreams. And, I took a step back from starting my own blog by deciding to “blog” here on Medium. As it turns out, Word Press is easy but not at the same time. I quickly https://yourhealthmagazine.net/article/addiction/sober-houses-rules-that-you-should-follow/ learned I was in way over my head, and I clearly didn’t think the whole blog thing out very well. So, in my very alcoholic way, I decided to scrap the whole idea.
“Keep It Simple”, also known as “keep it simple, stupid”, has been an important slogan in my recovery. I sober house don’t know about you, but I have a knack for complicating the simplest of tasks. Even today I have to remember to “keep it simple”. Constantly reminding myself that I am over-complicating something, and I need to stop, step back, reassess. Customers find this book helpful for daily meditations. They find it simple to follow and a good guide for the 12 Steps.
In here you’ll find that each of my entries come from the many spiritual inspirations I’ve had throughout life. Of course I talk about many other spiritual experiences in life as well and each week I also try to lighten things up with my Grateful Heart Monday and Silly Joke Friday series. Keep it simple is a phrase often used in the 12-step program. But it doesn’t have to be limited to that approach. Simplicity is helpful no matter what treatment program you are using.
I’ve also learned that this simple slogan works for a myriad of problems, big or small. I don’t have to be facing a crisis in order to put “Keep it simple” into practice. Everything can be broken down into smaller, more manageable chunks. A few short months ago I faced a challenging task and had to remember “Keep It Simple”. I had been looking for ways to share my experience, strength, and hope with other people, other than just in meetings. I love to journal, and writing has helped me so much over the years, so I got the idea to start a blog.
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